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Let's find your wow colors! During this appointment you will discover the colors in clothing and makeup that make you look amazing. You will go home with a leather wallet containing your colors, a booklet with valuable information regarding your specific coloring for makeup, your best tones for hair color as well as jewelry.





Style is part two to having a functional, dream closet! This interactive class combines body architecture, personality and the image you want to present to the world to identify your personal style and clothing personality! Save money, time, and frustration by gaining knowledge to only purchase what looks amazing on you! End the cycle of "I have nothing to wear" and work towards a capsule wardrobe fitted for your specific lifestyle.



Can I still come if I have a tan?

Yes, if it is your natural tan, i.e. not fake. Your coloring is determined by your genetics and therefore your particular tan is related to your coloring.

Could I change seasons as I get older?

Your seasonal coloring is dependent upon your genetics. With the system we use at House of Colour, we are confident in our ability to get you to the right season first time. As you get older, you might choose to return for a refresh or color re-rate to find out how your best colors are shifting within your seasonal spectrum.

Can I wear black on the bottom half even though it's not my season?

Black is best on those with Winter coloring. On other seasons it is draining so while it will be less draining below your waist than next to your face, when you are able to replace it with a dark neutral (e.g. navy, brown or grey) from your season the complementary difference will make you look and feel so much better.

Are you an MLM?

House of Colour is a franchise business.

Will the whole family be the same season?

Not necessarily. Your coloring is inherited from previous generations thus there are some families who are all the same and others who are all different.

Is makeup really necessary?

Make-up, chosen to suit your coloring and applied well, will help accentuate and define your face clearly and naturally. Foundation evens out the skin tone thus reducing the appearance of redness, shadows and fine lines. Blush naturally enhances your cheek bones when applied subtly. Eye make-up helps create definition to your eyes enabling them to appear larger and clearer while lipstick enhances your eyes and facial features as well as being the critical finishing touch. Well applied make-up aids communication and is therefore essential in a professional environment.

Do I change seasons if I have a tan?

Unless your tan is fake, you won't change seasons, rather, your best colors within your season may shift. You may have noticed that when you have a tan, you are able to wear more colors (e.g. paler/lighter or stronger/brighter than you might normally choose).

If my hair color changes, does my color spectrum (season) change?

Your seasonal coloring is determined by your genetics and is based primarily on your skin tone. We are able to carry out an accurate color analysis whatever your current hair color and make recommendations for selecting a color which will complement your undertones, should you wish to color your hair.

Do you advise on hair colors/styles?

After identifying your seasonal coloring, your stylist will be able to give you general advice on hair colors for you to discuss in more detail with your hair dresser. Hair styles are more dependent upon your face shape and personality, thus this will come in your personal style class.

What happens when I go grey?

Your skin and hair tones tend to merge closer together with the passage of time, so while your seasonal coloring will stay the same (it is based on your genetic make up) your best colors within that season are likely to shift in a similar way as you may have noticed with acquiring or losing a tan. For example, someone who wears black in their 20s with lighter accessories may shift to wearing grey in their 60s with black accessories.

Is this only for business men/women?

Color analysis is for anyone who wants to find out what colors suit them, how to create a look that makes them look good and feel comfortable in their clothes. The benefits of looking good are equally applicable to your personal time as your work life. Imagine unlocking the potential of your confidence in every area of your life!

Could I turn out to be two seasons?

No. The system our stylists are trained in ensures that we are able to clearly identify your coloring in one season. Some people's coloring lies near the cusp of two seasons. In order for you to be able to clearly understand your colors and how to use them effectively, it is important that you understand your (one) season.

If I'm overweight can I still do this?

Yes! Your weight has no bearing on your coloring and wearing your best colors makes you look slimmer and healthier!

Do I really need lipstick?

Lipstick is the one essential piece of make-up which serves to enhance your features and brighten the look in your eyes. Most people are not confident in choosing the colors which suit them best. In your color analysis class, your best colors are identified in consultation with you so that you are confident in wearing it.

Why should I bother at my age?

The natural glow of youth can be more forgiving with colors so it can appear that we are able to wear a wider range of colors more easily, as we get older and our skin and hair tone merges together, it is less forgiving and we often migrate to a few safe colors, or go in the other direction and encompass the full rainbow.
Regardless of your age, your best colors will show you in your healthiest light. Glowing and radiant, making you look younger, slimmer and fitter, more professional, confident, friendly and approachable; these benefits are not exclusive to the young! In fact they are essential to stop yourself becoming invisible as your age increases.

Students need to make best use of their (often) limited financial resources.

Busy working women and mothers need to be able to make best use of their often limited time resources.

Mature and retired women/men come in many shapes, sizes and varied financial and resources, anything to make life easier, simpler or more enjoyable has to be a bonus regardless of your age.

Mothers often take advantage of the kids' color to make best use of clothes for their children.